Our Thanksgiving

We rarely have people (friends or family) come to our house to celebrate a holiday meal. Unless they say they are coming before hand we don't invite them. And when we do invite them they tend to not show up and give us some lame excuse on why they never showed up. However, this year DH long time friend invited his family to our house. Sure, I'll cook, just make sure you show up, I utter to DH. Which they did, but they had to live early because of his children & ex-wife. I started preparing for this event on Monday before Thanksgiving. I had to go back to the grocery store on Wednesday (the day before) because I forgot some key ingredients for some of the dishes. That place was a mad-house. Note to self: get everything early enough to avoid crowds. We turned the living/dining/kitchen area of my late FIL (in-law suite) into a big dining room. As you can see below. I think we can still fit another table there. 25x15 room, I told DH if we remove the two room...