SocialSpark is Open For Business

I got an email at the middle of April from Izea. You had known them from PayPerPost. They asked me to sign up for social marketing network. They are pretty new and I had been a member of SocialSpark since then. I don’t have much earning from them but most of my friends like this site. I put in all of my blogs for approval but only one got approved. I’m not really sure what they are looking for when accepting blogs. But you will never know if you don’t sign up and get your blog/s approve. All I know is you will meet new friends, monetize your blog/s and meet old friends with this network. In addition you will build your own community and drive traffics to your blogs. You can take opportunities from Sponsored Post, Blog Sponsorship and Spark members. I said it so many times that this is such a nice job for stay at home mothers like I and those of you likes to write. I’m not a very good writer but as long as I have knowledge about the product/s I can write about it. Not in a very good w...