Chicken Pot Pie

This is my very first home made pot pie. When DH and I were dating he asked me if I have eaten pot pie. Well, I haven't and he took me to Boston Market and order one for me. I like it, especially in a cold day. Yes, after so many years and during my busy schedule, I finally made one enough for the whole family. Please remember this is my very first try. I refuses to use shortening to make the dough and used oil instead. I use olive oil on every bread recipe I make. To those of you who are familiar with virgin coconut oil (CVO), it makes me wonder if the dough will taste differently if I use VCO? CVO have the same consistency like the shortening, I should try it sometimes and see the outcome. I will post the recipe sometime next week or this weekend when I have time typing. Have a great weekend everyone, and to join FTF, just follow the image below.