
Huh, I finally made it here. Geez, it's getting hard every time to get in here. I finally had a chance to whip-up something this weekend. I will post it as my FTF entry, since I haven't really join it for so long.

Thank you so much to EC advertisers from keep on buying ad here. I do try my best to visit EC and approve all of your request, except for half naked people EC avatars. I also try to return most drop when I have a chance.

Schedule post is a life saver, I write about a few things and schedule them. When my schedule gets better, or if I get better with my schedule I will sure be here often. Have a great week everyone. Make sure to spend only cash this holiday, economy is not getting any time soon. And make sure you stock-up on food too and hide it somewhere safe from preying eyes.


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