Blogging Class for Beginners

Alas! My friends and readers whom kept on asking me how to get started, this is your chance for a
FREE Profitable Blogging For Beginners Online Class (Normally $17)! Get your free seat in the upcoming July class by signing-up following the link I wrote above. All your questions will be answered and gain confidence in starting your own blog or making blog/s profitable. I relied on my friends when I started my online journal, and most of them does not a straight answer to my questions. I am glad that someone actually thought of this to help others.

Here are the benefits from the 4-week online class:
  • The Class Manual - packed with 60 pages of information that will help take the overwhelming out of starting your own blog
  • 4 weekly online class sessions where you can ask your questions and get personalized feedback
  • A Free Year of Web Hosting! Blogelina will also provide each person who registers for this class a complementary year of web hosting (&84 value)!
  • Blueprints, Step-by-Step Tutorials Networking with Other Bloggers _ Everything you need to grow your blog!
  • Save yourself a lot of time, trouble (which I embarked), and money _ learn from their experiences what to do and not to do!
 I started with a free web hosting, and yes this blog is still free. I have another one that is hosted with a yearly fee. The web hosting they offer for free is a great start for anyone. You don't need to switch when you are finally ready to profit from your blog/s.  The trouble I came across when switching host was, I need to let all my blogger friends know my new web address, which is not good with my page rank.

So, who's with me? Can I  rely on you, my friends and readers to see each other in this class every Tuesday in July,  for 1 hour, from 8 to 9 PM Eastern Standard Time? There is no string attached, you can walk away from the class any time, however, you will not learn anything if you do. And yes, you can keep the copy of the class manual and your free year web hosting. I almost forgot to mention, you can attend classes from the comfort of your home. Let's sign up.

Post from our friend @


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