Yummylicious Fruit Ice Pop/Candy (Wordless/Wordful Wednesday)

To stay cool this summer try making fruit ice pop. I also used the name ice candy because I grew up eating these and that is what we call it back home. I have six flavors here. Orange is cantaloupe, yellow is mango, purple at front is purple yam, same color at the back is mung beans, green is avocado (my personal favorite), white on the left is buko (young coconut), and the white on the right is jackfruit (its white because the base is milk, I only added pieces of jackfruit, it's from a can).

Simply mash/blend any fruit without skin & seeds of course. Add sugar and powder milk, this depends on how sweet you like them. You can also used cream or regular milk. Put them in a plastic container using a funnel (they call it "ice candy disposable bag" at amazon), make sure to leave about 2 inches off the top for closure. If you are good at tying them, you can probably get away with only 1 1/2 inch.

Below are mango flavor mixed with milk, that is they look light yellow instead of bright yellow.


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