EntreCard Lists

Like my other two blogs, I am compiling a lists for this one. Let me know if you don't want your link visited by me. Otherwise enjoy the traffic.


WhoIsMarc? said…
i would like to be included in this list and your blogroll if you please :)

Nedekcir said…
If you want to be added to my blogroll you need to do the same. For the now I will add you to my EC drop list.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for including us! I'll add you to my list. :)
DineometerDeb said…
Hi! Thanks for adding me to your EC drop list. I link to people by adding them as Dineometer Complaint Department staff. Would you like to be added to our staff?
Anonymous said…
This is a good idea...
Anonymous said…
That's such a good idea, making a personal EC drop list for each blog I have. Why didn't I think of that? LOL I appreciate the link and I'll be back!
SheR. said…
Hello!! Thanks a lot.
I didn't know I was on this list till I checked my Technorati!
:) cheers and have a good weekend!
Nedekcir said…
You're welcome Sher.
Anonymous said…
Hi Nedekcir,
Thanks for adding me to this list.
I appreciate it.
I hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for adding me. I appreciate it.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for adding me to your list. I will add you to my daily drops too. It'll take me a couple of days to set everything up but after that I will drop regularly.
Anonymous said…
Hey thanks for putting Karene's Kitchen on your list.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for adding me to your list.
Caneeliea said…
I'm in the list! Woot! TQ!
Anonymous said…
thank you for including 2 of my blogs. Would you include my other one too. http://karensroad.com

Thank you.
Nedekcir said…
Thank you so much for leaving comments here, however I change the list and it will be more strictly towards healthy food diet, gardening, and cooking with some exception. I will add the other blogs to my mixed category (EC) blogs.
Again thank you!
Anonymous said…

Happy new year 1
i would like to be included in your list if you have no problem.........
Guia Obsum said…
thanks for including me on your list. i really appreciate it! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, Thanks for including my blog Renaissance Culinaire! I appreciate your dropping & the visits.

I need to get back to dropping regularly again. Unfortunately my EC account is having some issues due to an outage w/ one of the servers - so I can't drop with anyone's EC widget - the "drop" button disappears when the widget loads. They are working on it.

Once it gets fixed I will be sure to drop you more often!


Daisy said…
Oh wow! Is this a list of people who dropped an ec or advertised? Since I'm new at ec maybe I can start making my list too.

And btw, thanks for the drop!

Nedekcir said…
Daisy this is my compiled list however, I need to update this list because a lot of them left EC.

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