Make A Difference, "Be A Team Captain"

The Alzheimer’s Association of North America is having a Alzheimer's Memory Walkthis fall. They are looking for any volunteers of all ages to do a 2-3 mile walk on a weekend morning in the fall. This would be a nice event for my son. He loves to volunteer for a cause and he belongs to many clubs in his school. I checked online if there is any started but no luck. He is still on vacation but as soon as he gets home I would recommend starting one.

My grandmother at my father side was a victim of the Alzheimer. All I can remember was she kept asking me the same question that I already answer and she kept asking who I was. I’m not even in school when she passed away. I can only remember bits and pieces and who knows maybe we only spoke once.

Anyway, please visit the site, and if you are not very busy person maybe you can start your own Alzheimer’s Memory Walk this fall.

Sponsored by Alzheimer's Walk


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