My Vegetables Garden

For everyone who are so amazed about my fresh vegetables, you can find more of them at my other blog. You can check out what kind of vegetables I have at My Vegetables Garden. You can see my gourd (Upo) that I had in 2006 when my parents are here on vacation. Please check it out.


Vidhya said…
Hi there, I came here from Entrecard and I should say you have a wonderful collection of good recipes. Why dont you join foodbuzz and its publisher program. If you are interested, just shoot me an email to will send you the referral link
Rachel said…
Looks great - I will need some veggie growing hints as I hope that I can do better in the future than this summer when most of my plants died.
Nedekcir said…
Thank you Vidhya and Rachel. Your comments are very much appreciated.

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