Amy Poehler CozmoTV Widget

I found this widget quite funny and interesting at the same time. Her shows make me laugh because the way she talks. She has this look on her face almost looks like she is joking about the whole thing. However, if you watch the whole thing everything they do are for real. I have seen a lot of blogger that have the video widget on their sites. You may want to add this in your collection and visit them to get your own widget here. I also found channel about edible wild plants you can find in your backyard if you live in the boonies. That is my kind of show to get me ready for what is ahead of this country of ours.

I have not seen all the show in the gallery but, I will definitely come back for more. You can also add this in your profile at MySpace or Facebook to share with your social network. Give this widget to your online friends who like social networks. Please take a few minutes and browse their gallery and click on "Grab This TV" to find your social network in the list.



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