
I forgot to reopen this blog before going to bed last night. A few of my regular EC droppers sent me messages and I did not get a chance to read it just now. Mother/teacher duties comes first. I usually drop under "cooking and dining" and one blog came up asking for a password. It turns out it was mine. I was like, what! I guess when I tried turning this on last night, I must have miss the button.

I was thinking going to bed early tonight and good thing I didn't. Whew! Here I am thanking the traffics for my bandwidth exceeding and today I only have 10 visits. Aya-yay, please don't get mad, my brain was very tired yesterday...lol.


Spices of Life said…
i was here hope everything is okay now....
Auntie E said…
Glad to see you back opened. I have used photobucket but not that often. I use Picnik, it is free or you can purchase a years subscription it isn't that much. I also have programs on my computer that i use.
Nedekcir said…
Thanks SoL.

I will check it out Auntie E. Thanks.
verabear said…
I got errors too when I tried visiting your blog the other day. Good thing it's okay now :)


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