Update From "In My Kitchen" Sicko Cook

Yes I am, I will sure come back when I fell better, 100% better that is. I am doing this right now because this is my 4th day in bed. I was bored for the first five hour and we are talking about days here. Anyone want to visit me and cook me some sinigang? My family is lost when I am sick. My house is a mess, I refuse to acknowledge the mess right now. I need a maid!!! Badly.


Redkathy said…
Wish I was there to help you! Hope you start feeling better soon.
Avi said…

I came across your food blog and thought you might be interested in appearing on our site, www.foodierama.com . Have a look and drop me a line of you are interested.

Blog comment

Grampy said…
Sorry you are not feeling well. The family will appreciate you more once you feel better.

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