French Toast

An updated version from last week. Like I promise I will take a better picture and better presentation and I think I did a better job this time. And I used sour dough bread this week.

This one with only powder sugar on top.

In My Kitchen
With powder sugar and maple syrup.

In My Kitchen
And yes natural maple syrup is the best.

In My KitchenThere is nothing compare to bacon cooked in their fat and maple syrup. I could not even finish two pieces of toast. They are very heavy in my stomach.


Catherine said…
I think your pictures are great! They make me hungry~ I agree nothing is better than real bacon and french toast! :) Yummy!
Nedekcir said…
Thanks for stopping by Catherine.
Split Rock Ranch said…
Yum...and now I'm hungry for french toast and bacon!
Nedekcir said…
You can have some.
verabear said…
Hmmm looks yummy. I'd take french toast and bacon any time of the day :)
Nedekcir said…
Please, help your self Vera. Thanks for stopping by.
i♥pinkc00kies said…
love french toast too.. i fill it with PB or nutella. yumm!

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