My Style Breakfast
Wow, I have not noticed until I upload the picture here that the egg is big. We are buying them from our local farmer and these are the large ones he sells. My mushrooms fried rice came out of a round mold instead of just thrown into the plate. This is how I like my breakfast, heavy and it keeps me full until lunch time and sometimes after lunch too, when I drink coffee with it. Don't get me started on what I put in my for me of course. However, if I don't drink a cup in a day, I can't finish my children lessons without taking a nap.
I try very hard to eat breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day. When I can't, I attest, I eat a lot more than usual. Breakfast is a must for someone like me. I also like it heavy to last longer.
thanks for the visit and for leaving a comment in my FTF entry at
Have a great day
@ Kerslyn, I do enjoy the FTF pictures, I'm thinking about joining soon. I miss all the seafood I used to eat. However, I have give up something sometimes, so this is too bad in
@ Jami, well I hope I got the correct I see you enjoy reading the words of Yeshua. I you don't mind me asking, who was he talking when he said 1)"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" when he created Adam? I thought he was the only one.
2) Why was Cain so afraid that someone will kill him? From what I read there are only 4, well 3 people on Earth...Adam, Eve, Abel (whom he killed), and himself (Cain).
Just something to think
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