Another Accomplished Recipe

There are three recipes I wanted to make. As you all know cinnamon rolls is one of them. I accomplished that twice already. I also wanted to try making Ensaymada, I'm not really sure if non-filipino know what it is, but you can Google it to find And lastly, I wanted to make Siopao. It is a bun filled with pork, well in my case it will be more likely filled with beef or chicken.

Since DH was not home over the weekend, I was able to make Ensaymada. My first try, I put too much liquid. I read the milk and water measurement wrong. The good part is, I was only in the first step. No, worry I have plenty of yeast and milk. So, that one went down the drain.

Ensaymada MistakeEnsaymada mistake

Second batch, I was in the second step and it turned out I added way too much potato flour. I was using all purpose flour and adding potato flour for bread consistency. I used 4 egg yolks and 1 egg. I end up putting it in a cup cake mold just to cook it. It already have the ensaymada smell and taste but very

Next post will be about the Ensaymada recipe.
To be continue....


Anonymous said…
They look so good. I want to eat already.

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