Hard Boiled Easter Eggs

Here are what my kids made today. I did not cook all the eggs because I don't have any idea what to do with hard boiled eggs. Next year, I will make sure to blow some eggs (made a small opening on both ends and blow the eggs out). After doing all of these, they wanted me to cook more for them to color.

Easter Eggs


♥peachkins♥ said…
cute eggs..Happy Easter!
Aldon Hynes said…
Happy Easter! This year, we expanded on one of my favorite egg decorating themes, decorating Easter Eggs to look like flags of the world.
Nedekcir said…
Thank you everyone for stopping.
thomas said…
I would totally do this but my three year old would destroy my house with the dye!
Brenda said…
They did a great job decorating the eggs! My kids love the stickers that come with the kit.

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