Feed Me Up...

You get these benefits in joining this linker chain:
  • You can get more web traffic.
  • You can increase your blogs' Technorati authority.
  • You can increase your blogs' feed subscribers.
  • You can get more back links.
  • You can gain more friends around the world.

Here are the Rules:

Copy the list below.
Place your Blog's FEED Link (i.e. You blog's link for its RSS/Atom feed, not the actual site) after the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!

After placing your blog’s feed address/es, you must tag 5 or more bloggers that is not yet in the list, this is to keep the ball rolling.

Also, you must subscribe to the feed of the blog who tagged you. You may include subscribing to another blog of your choice from the list.

  1. Kenneth - A Stellar Life
  2. filipinolifeabroad
  3. Tina
  4. Dabawenyang Iska
  5. Bestfriend's blog
  6. PinayLoveStories
  7. Allen's wifey
  8. allen's darling
  9. allen's sweetheart
  10. filipinolifeabroad
  11. Sweet temptation
  12. In The Life Of...Mne
  13. Mommy Joy of two
  14. In My Kitchen
  15. /* Your Feed link Here! */


Anonymous said…
ate salamat..i will do this before i sleep kc work naman tomorrow kakapagod na talaga pero kailangan eh...ingat happy monday for tom...kc absent me...
Nedekcir said…
ok thanks, will check for update on your site soon.

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