I Want One of This

I am in the market for a new countertop fryer right now. Mine is as old as my oldest son and I think it’s time to find a heavy duty one that will last longer than the one I have. I have mentioned before that my husband like a commercial grade items and so do I. I think I can fit commercial fryers in my kitchen; one will be nice fit for my small kitchen. The image below can cook my chicken pieces batch in one setting. I can save a lot of time standing in the kitchen cooking those 6 pieces at a time.

Have you notice the handle? That is the oil containers that can be remove easily when I am ready to filter the oil or clean the whole fryer. Most commercial fryers are connected to a gas line and I am glad I found one that is electric fryer. That would be a problem because we don’t have gas line in my house and in my neighborhood.

CounterTop Electric Fryer
This food fryer is stainless steel and has adjustable feet allowing for easy height alteration. And the best part is they ship it out free of charge to 48 states. This one is also a great fit when you have a small food business in the side of the road. I saw a few local small food businesses in my area using this kind. Now, I know where to get one. I will also add that this is not the only size they carry. You can search the size you prefer by following the links above.

*This Post Is Paid*


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