Caramel Apples

Yummy!!! My youngest son loves them, but complaint about his jaw hurting while chewing the caramel. We went apple picking over the weekend. I told everyone to pick the biggest ones they can find. Was I wrong with that. I should have told them to pick small ones. One apple is way too big for one person to eat when covered with caramel. 😁

We only picked four kinds. Two for eating (golden and red delicious) and the other two I can't remember the names. I wanted to use the unknown for baking. You can see below, I cut-up the apples. However, the caramel refuses to stick on it.

I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but DH don't want to stop at our local grocery store to get the ingredients for homemade recipe. Lucky enough, the orchard is selling the caramel and candy instant mix for fresh apples.


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