Air New Zealand New Billboard
Yes that is correct; is getting a new shaved head billboard. On October 26 they are holding a casting call for this in Los Angeles California. The event is only for 3 hours, noon to three in the afternoon at The Greenway Melrose Trading Post, located in the parking lot at Fairfax High School, 7850 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles. Make sure you make time to go. They will select 30 adults to be shaved and tattooed to be their cranial billboards in Los Angeles. This could be a life-changing journey for you. The message will reflect the election and economic environment for us Americans. The two winners will be selected and win a life-changing journey to New Zealand.

I have so many life-changing events in my life, but not so much a life-changing journey. Starting with home schooling is one of my life-changing events. Knowing the truth about our economy and government is another. My husband and I are trying to educate people from what we know is also part of it. It would be easy if anyone can lend an ear, and listen to what we have to say. But most of them keep making excuses to diverse their belief, about certain organizations that are destroying American Constitution. All they have to do is open their eyes and see the obvious. My husband and I can only try until our last breath.
Oh yea, do you think this head is good enough?
I have so many life-changing events in my life, but not so much a life-changing journey. Starting with home schooling is one of my life-changing events. Knowing the truth about our economy and government is another. My husband and I are trying to educate people from what we know is also part of it. It would be easy if anyone can lend an ear, and listen to what we have to say. But most of them keep making excuses to diverse their belief, about certain organizations that are destroying American Constitution. All they have to do is open their eyes and see the obvious. My husband and I can only try until our last breath.
Oh yea, do you think this head is good enough?
It all depends on good enough for what. I mean the picture of that head.
If it is for women, I guess that head would be. That's about all that I know about that head. LOL.
He actually came to my sons' school to campaign for his wife. My son took the picture. Had to crop it because it's very obvious who he is. Now I'm making money of his head. lol