Will Be Miss 20/20

I am dodging the day that I really need to wear specs for my eyes. I feel it creeping in my eyes that can be no longer ignored. I can still see fine however, in some occasions I can’t focus in a certain degree. Whenever I get a new job and medical insurance comes with it, I always schedule an eye exam just to make sure. However, I been home for 6 years now. And those six years I have not step foot at any vision office. Our insurance is paid directly from our pocket, and we don’t have vision coverage.

All my life I never wear one except for sunglasses. I guess being old comes with valuable qualities and negative ones. Let me put it this way, “at least with contact lenses I can still hide my age”…lol (I always wanted to have hazel or gray tint eyes). With contacts, it will never get tramp on and sit on because the case is tiny enough to stick in small spaces. I don’t have to carry it anywhere because I will be wearing it the whole time. Furthermore, with LensAlert I can have an instant reminder (very important at my age). I will never forget to take it off, when to dispose it, or if I dispose it too soon. If you want more information and to verify what I am talking about, please visit AC Lens blog.



Metz said…

You have been tagged to try out a personality test that is guaranteed to make you giggle and gasp at the same time :) It is both fun and revealing, but the question is will you be brave enough to show the world what it unveils. ;)

See you over at Empty Streets 1027

Till the next time :) xoxo

PS. Have a great weekend ahead :)
Nedekcir said…
Thanks for stopping by ES.

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