I Joined SocialCardsters

I saw an image for this during my daily drops a long time ago. I wasn't curious enough to click on it because I don't want to join another social network. I got so much than I can handle and to many emails to check every day. Yesterday, I got a message from BenSpark.com telling me that I've been added to the "I'm Not A Famous Blogger" Street Team. I feel privilege...somewhat...ha ha ha. So then, I followed his site and I found this image SocialCardsters on his blogroll. A blogroll for everyone who uses SocialSpark and EntreCard. If you are a member of SocialSpark and Entrecard come and join me at SocialCardsters. All you have to do is leave him a message and you can be added. What are you waiting for, go over and be added to his lists.


BenSpark said…
Thanks for joining SocialCardsters! I will make sure your blog is added to the offcial blog roll.

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