Favorite Blog Award to "In My Kitchen"

Thank you so much VhingF of SURVIVOR: the Reality of Life. My fellow pinay from the Island of Mindoro. Thank you so much Ms. VhingF, hoping to meet you someday.
This seal is called “Favorite Blogs” and has been awarded to In My Kitchen.
This is the easy way and the fastest way to:
- Make your Authority Technorati explode.
- Increase your Google Page Rank.
- Get more traffic to your blog.
- Makes more new friends.
The rules are very simple as follows :
- Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
- Put your own blog name and link.
- Tag your friends as much as you can.
~End Copy~
Anyone who are interested on playing are most certainly welcome to grab this award. Have a good day.