4th Prize Winner

Thank you so much to the sponsors who sent me the prizes for winning the 4th prize at AskMsRecipe. However, for those who did not send credit yet, please do so. It's not fun winning when I can't have my winnings. If you already send credits and not mark here let me know.

1st Submission winner: In My Kitchen receives 759 Entrecard Credits from Blog Contest Station ***paid

3. In My Kitchen won the Star Crayons from Mama’s Little Monkeys***emailed and contacted me today. However, I don't think I will get the gift because I still don't have it until now 5/15/09. Since they already got what they wanted with the deal they are done. If I ever host a contest I'll make sure that everyone will pay up. There is no fun when prizes are never delivered.

4th Place Receives 13,500 from the following Sponsors:

* Doi Speaks 2000 Entrecard Credits***paid
* Confessions of a Fitness Diva 1,500 Entrecard Credits***paid
* Thoughts and Obsessions 1,000 Entrecard Credits
* Just Keep Trying 1,000 Entrecard Credits***paid
* In the Eyes of the Beholder 1,000 Entrecard Credits****paid
* I’m Walking on Sunshine 1,000 Entrecard Credits***paid
* Babette’s Defintely Maybe 1,000 Entrecard Credits***paid
* Through the Rain 1,000 Entrecard Credits***paid
* Honey Sweet Learning Center 1,000 Entrecard Credits
* Mavierhose 1,000 Entrecard Credits****paid
* Abhishhek Deshpande 1,000 Entrecard Credits
* Homemade Remedies 500 Entrecard Credits****paid
* Batuananons 500 Entrecard Credits****paid
* The Designers Blog 125 Ad Space 1 Month***ad is running
* Streaming-Online Watch 125 Ad Space 2 Weeks***ad is running


Nina Marana said…
Sorry you haven't got your winnings,but have you tried to contact them? A lot of people are on vacation for easter so that may explain why they have not paid. Let me know so if I need to email them.Try leaving them a comment if you haven't.
Ms Recipe
Nedekcir said…
Yes I left them messages the day I found out I won. Thanks.

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