Manual Pasta Maker

Image from the internet

I wanted one, it will be so nice if someone can ask me to make a review about one and as a form of payment I can keep the item. However, I am hopeful to get one someday. I am planning making my own pasta and using all natural ingredients for healthy eating. I wanted manual just in case our economy totally go under and I can't afford to pay the electric to my house anymore. At least we can still have manually made pasta at home. I would also want to have all kinds of attachment for different kind of pasta. Or I can save up for it and buy it myself, either way I wanted one.

Maybe I can lose some weight making my own pasta


Karen said…
Our church has several of these in the kitchen. We used to sponsor a chicken and noodle dinner every year. We would make our own noodles.
Nedekcir said…
I think it's a nice kitchen item to have.

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