Manual Grinder

My parents have the following grinders. Actually my mother still use the flat one (top image) in making rice cakes. Like you can see these are manual stone grinders. I wish I can ask my parents to send me one, they probably can, but can you imagine how much the shipping with this heavy thing. I will settle with one of this however, I prefer both.

Image from Internet

This one can grind coffee beans, cocoa beans, dry corns and rice. This is the very first grinder my parents own. They bought the above image later when all of their children are grown up. maybe I can ask my cousin to put it in his luggage and send it UPS when he gets to his home in Iowa. I bet that is cheaper than mailing it here from the Philippines.
Image from Internet

This is another kitchen tools must have when the economy goes under. This is added to my wish list.


~*~ Badet ~*~ said…
This is one cool grinder. Although I don't know how to use it, it adds character to any kitchen =)

Everything Nice!
Nedekcir said…
The bottom image can be use to grind to your specification. The top image from what I saw (from my mother) can be use to grind finer like the consistency of flour.
MommaWannabe said…
I am looking for something like this too but I won't buy it muna since we won't be using it yet.

Where are you in the Philippines from pala Nedekcir?
Nedekcir said…
Thanks for stopping by PJ.
Unknown said…
hi! can we exlink? :)

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