Let Your Imagination Go Wild
Well, not with this ride (no imagination needed, you can ride it in real life) SeaWorld is opening their newest Manta “the flying manta ray ride” on May 22, 2009. This is a very nice ride to check out on your Memorial Day vacation. We have a few relatives living down there and having a place is not a problem at all. The problem is the time to spend away from home. I’m pretty sure my kids will love spending a few hours watching a lot of manta rays and other sea creatures over 3,000 of them to be exact in their 360 degree underwater view by climbing the pop-up aquarium.

Visit the site to participate and win. You can choose an activity like Manta quiz, take a picture with “I heart Manta” sign and upload it to Flickr. Send a referral to three friends the link is provided for you. Take a video of yourself telling the world how excited you are about the new attraction and put it on YouTube. Make a Manta mask put it on and take a picture of you then put it on Flickr and Tweet about this on twitter. If you complete two activities you will win a Manta photo and by doing six activities you will win a front line pass and be the first one enjoy everything. What are you waiting for? Follow the link and join us.

Visit the site to participate and win. You can choose an activity like Manta quiz, take a picture with “I heart Manta” sign and upload it to Flickr. Send a referral to three friends the link is provided for you. Take a video of yourself telling the world how excited you are about the new attraction and put it on YouTube. Make a Manta mask put it on and take a picture of you then put it on Flickr and Tweet about this on twitter. If you complete two activities you will win a Manta photo and by doing six activities you will win a front line pass and be the first one enjoy everything. What are you waiting for? Follow the link and join us.
