Down South

I used to live in North Carolina a long time ago and enjoyed the seafood down there. Furthermore, once a month my friends and I goes to the dock to fish or catch crabs. Then I moved to New Jersey, not much difference about the seafood but big difference with the temperature. Technology is better because the city is just an hour or less drive away. I used to have a directtv package that was very affordable, I miss it a lot.

Now we live in the boonies and it took a few years to have a high speed internet. We were so glad when it was finally available to us. We could have gone and get a Direct TV however, we are far away from the city limit and can not afford to get a separate bill for high speed internet. I know they have broadband services too, but money is the issue here.

We are still looking at moving to Georgia as soon as we can. We are just waiting for my eldest son to go to college before we move. If we have direct TV, they can move with us because there is a Direct TV in GA. Not to mention warmer weather and plenty of fresh seafood that I love and, I already made a friend down there. Moreover, I can be harvesting vegetables pretty soon if we live down there. My garden here in PA is still very wet and I'm not planning on planting until it dries-up, hopefully before June.


Grampy said…
Well good luck with the move to Georgia. I have a niece in Murrayville. I also have a daughter in Cary North Carolina. But my wifes relatives are all here in Conn. She won't move. I don't really blame her. Especially seeing her only grand daughter is here.
Come to Grampys place for some WW comedy.
Nedekcir said…
Thank you Grampy, hoping it will happen soon.

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